- Apr 6, 2021
OAuth 1.0a flow for Twitter
When you use the official twitter app, all you have to do is log in with your username and password and off you go. But things are a little different when it comes to third-party twitter clients like Twitterific etc. Twitter does not allow those apps to ask for a user’s login credentials but instead forces them to use OAuth for authorization. And implementing OAuth in an app is a convoluted process. So why force the devs to go through it?
- Nov 11, 2014
Canon EOS-M - Poor Man's RX1
The best way to sum up Canon EOS-M (with 22mm lens) is this - It’s a poor man’s RX1. Of course it will not match RX1’s combo of full-frame sensor with a Zeiss prime but it comes awfully close. And all for a paltry sum of $300 which is what it was selling for as of November 2014.
- Oct 15, 2010
How to fix gapless analysis problems in iTunes?
The Problem: If you use iTunes, on windows or mac, it is inevitable that you’d come across this dialog where iTunes says that it’s Determining Gapless Playback Information. It doesn’t matter whether you want your albums to play gapless or not. iTunes just goes ahead and does it. There is no way to turn it off. It would have been pretty harmless, except for one little thing - it often gets stuck and the only way out is to reboot your computer (and lose any unsaved data, not to mention the frustration caused). Though there is no way to turn this process off, there is a way to make it go smooth. The solution is to repair your corrupt MP3 files.
- Feb 25, 2009
How to make Nikon Capture NX2 run faster.
To say that Nikon Capture NX (or Capture Nx2) is slow would be an understatement. The reason for its slowness is that it ships with older versions of certain Windows files which it uses. So all we need to do to make it run faster is to install the latest and greatest versions of these files. It really is that simple and it makes a significant difference. But why Nikon doesn’t document it or doesn’t do it by default is beyond me.
- Dec 15, 2007
Making your DSLR show Linear Histogram
In addition to having greater flexibility during post-processing, one of the main reasons for shooting raw is to capture greater dynamic range. But if you are relying on the histogram on your camera’s LCD to judge exposure, you may not be capturing the full dynamic range that your camera is capable of.